VARD Offshore Subsea Construction Vessel (OSCV) Concept was the 2016 Gold Winner of the International Design Excellence Awards, in Automotive & Transportation. I was brought on as in intern during the first 6 months of design, working with Per Ivar Selvaag, Andrew Smith and Adriana Monk, and was offered a full time position to help see out the projects completion. It was presented at the 2015 NorShipping Expo as “a Step Forward” where VARD revealed their SeaQ operating system.

Montaag was commissioned by VARD to designed an Offshore Construction Vessel for the future of the Maritime industry. One of the projects I was responsible for was making full size mock ups of the captains chair for ergonomics testing and working out any pain points, as well as the design of the Cinema and Briefing Room.


1. One of my sketches of a pontoon OCV concept in the early ideation phase.


2. A conceptual sketch I made for the cinema and briefing room.


3. The final Monogram concept for custom upholstery based upon my concept.